Relation of Dress to Education
No education can be complete that does not teach right principles in
regard to dress. Without such teaching, the work of education is too
often retarded and perverted. Love of dress, and devotion to fashion,
are among the teacher's most formidable rivals and most effective
Fashion is a mistress that rules with an iron hand. In very many
homes the strength and time and attention of parents and children are
absorbed in meeting her demands. The rich are ambitious to outdo one
another in conforming to her ever-varying styles; the middle and poorer
classes strive to approach the standard set by those supposed to be
above them. Where means or strength is limited, and the ambition for
gentility is great, the burden becomes almost insupportable.
With many it matters not how becoming, or even beautiful, a garment
may be, let the fashion change, and it must be remade or cast aside. The
members of the household are doomed to ceaseless toil. There is no time
for training the children, no time for prayer or Bible study, no time
for helping the little ones to become acquainted with God through His
There is no time and no money for charity. And often the home table
is stinted. The food is ill selected and hastily prepared, and the
demands of nature are but partially supplied. The result is wrong habits
of diet, which create disease or lead to intemperance.
The love of display produces extravagance, and in many young people
kills the aspiration for a nobler life. Instead of seeking an education,
they early engage in some occupation to earn money for indulging the
passion for dress. And through this passion many a young girl is
beguiled to ruin.
In many a home the family resources are overtaxed. The father, unable
to supply the demands of the mother and the children, is tempted to
dishonesty, and again dishonor and ruin are the result.
Even the day and the services of worship are not exempt from
fashion's domination. Rather they afford opportunity for the greater
display of her power. The church is made a parade ground, and the
fashions are studied more than the sermon. The poor, unable to meet the
demands of custom, stay away from church altogether. The day of rest is
spent in idleness, and by the youth often in associations that are demoralizing.
At school, the girls are by unsuitable and uncomfortable clothing
unfitted either for study or for recreation. Their minds are
preoccupied, and the teacher has a difficult task to awaken their
For breaking the spell of fashion, the teacher can often find no
means more effective than contact with nature. Let pupils taste the
delights to be found by river or lake or sea; let them climb the hills,
gaze on the sunset glory, explore the treasures of wood and field; let
them learn the pleasure of cultivating plants and flowers; and the
importance of an additional ribbon or ruffle will sink into
Lead the youth to see that in dress, as in diet, plain living is
indispensable to high thinking. Lead them to see how much there is to
learn and to do; how precious are the days of youth as a preparation for
the lifework. Help them to see what treasures there are in the word of
God, in the book of nature, and in the records of noble lives.
Let their minds be directed to the suffering which they might
relieve. Help them to see that by every dollar squandered in display,
the spender is deprived of means for feeding the hungry, clothing the
naked, and comforting the sorrowful.
They cannot afford to miss life's glorious opportunities, to dwarf
their minds, to ruin their health, and to wreck their happiness, for the
sake of obedience to mandates that have no foundation in reason, in
comfort, or in comeliness.
At the same time the young should be taught to recognize the lesson
of nature, "He hath made everything beautiful in its time."
Ecclesiastes 3:11, R.V. In dress, as in all things else, it is our
privilege to honor our Creator. He desires our clothing to be not only
neat and healthful, but appropriate and becoming.
A person's character is judged by his style of dress. A refined
taste, a cultivated mind, will be revealed in the choice of simple and
appropriate attire. Chaste simplicity in dress, when united with modesty
of demeanor, will go far toward surrounding a young woman with that
atmosphere of sacred reserve which will be to her a shield from a
thousand perils.
Let girls be taught that the art of dressing well includes the
ability to make their own clothing. This is an ambition that every girl
should cherish. It will be a means of usefulness and independence that
she cannot afford to miss.
It is right to love beauty and to desire it; but God desires us to
love and to seek first the highest beauty-- that which is imperishable.
The choicest productions of human skill possess no beauty that can bear
comparison with that beauty of character which in His sight is of
"great price."
Let the youth and the little children be taught to choose for
themselves that royal robe woven in heaven's loom --the "fine
linen, clean and white" (Revelation 19:8), which all the holy ones
of earth will wear. This robe, Christ's own spotless character, is
freely offered to every human being. But all who receive it will receive
and wear it here.
Let the children be taught that as they open their minds to pure,
loving thoughts and do loving and helpful deeds, they are clothing
themselves with His beautiful garment of character. This apparel will
make them beautiful and beloved here, and will hereafter be their title
of admission to the palace of the King. His promise is:
"They shall walk with Me in white: for they are worthy."
Revelation 3:4.
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